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Techno Man

Techno Man

Daddy daycare: Why some songbirds care for the ‘wrong’ kids

Interspecific feeding -- when an adult of one species feeds the young of another -- is rare among songbirds, and scientists could only speculate...

New test assists physicians with quicker treatment decisions for sepsis

A new test to determine whether antibiotics will be effective against certain bacterial infections is helping physicians make faster and better prescription treatment choices.

Just add water: Chemists suggest a fix for insoluble drugs

Stable metal organic frameworks are prized for their ability to capture carbon dioxide or harvest atmospheric water, but researchers have developed a use for...

Low birth weight linked to cardiovascular risk

In a recent study, researchers discovered that if children had a low birth weight, they were more likely to exhibit cardiovascular risk factors in...

Ibrutinib linked to high blood pressure and other heart problems, study suggests

Over half of people prescribed the targeted blood cancer-fighting drug ibrutinib developed new or worsened high blood pressure within six months of starting the...

Implanted memories teach birds a song

A new songbird study that shows memories can be implanted in the brain to teach vocalizations -- without any lessons from the parent.

Mounting brain organoid research reignites ethical debate

As research involving the transplantation of human 'mini-brains' -- known as brain organoids -- into animals to study disease continues to expand, so do...

Ant-plant partnerships may play unexpected role in ant evolution

Partnerships between ant and plant species appear to arise from -- but not drive -- rapid diversification of ants into new species.

Stem cell studies offer hope for childhood neurological condition

Two new studies report progress in using stem cells to develop new therapies for Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease (PMD), a rare genetic condition affecting boys that...

New neurodevelopmental syndrome and NKAP gene

Researchers have identified a gene mutation that causes developmental delay, intellectual disability, behavioral abnormalities and musculoskeletal problems in children. The newly diagnosed condition, called...

Brabus Launches ‘Deep Blue’ G-Wagon, Speedboat & Luxury Watch Line

Brabus is unifying its collaborations with Mercedes-AMG, Finland’s Axopar Boats, and Panerai luxury watches under one Deep Blue collection.Being that Brabus is...