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Techno Man

Techno Man

Saving lives faster: World-first laser incubator for blood

Researchers have developed the world's first blood incubator using laser technology. This could prevent fatal blood transfusions in critically ill patients, and can detect...

For the first time walking patterns identify specific types of dementia

Walking may be a key clinical tool in helping medics accurately identify the specific type of dementia a patient has, pioneering research has revealed.

Alzheimer’s drug also treats parasitic Chagas disease

The drugs currently used to treat Chagas disease, a neglected tropical disease, have serious side effects and limited use in those with chronic disease....

The next agricultural revolution is here

By using modern gene-editing technologies to learn key insights about past agricultural revolutions, two plant scientists are suggesting that the next agricultural revolution could...

A bathroom scale could monitor millions with heart failure

Millions of heart failure patients are readmitted to hospitals every few months to adjust medications. It sends medical costs sky-high and patients suffer unnecessarily....

Where to park your car, according to math

In a world where the best parking space is the one that minimizes time spent in the lot, physicists compare parking strategies and settle...

Introducing ‘mesh,’ memory-saving plug-in to boost phone and computer performance

Applications like web browsers or smartphone apps often use a lot of memory. To address this, a research group has developed a system they...

Electric tech could help reverse baldness

Reversing baldness could someday be as easy as wearing a hat, thanks to a noninvasive, low-cost hair-growth-stimulating technology.

Hurricane Nicole sheds light on how storms impact deep ocean

2016's Hurricane Nicole had a significant effect on the ocean's carbon cycle and deep sea ecosystems.

‘Nanochains’ could increase battery capacity, cut charging time

A new method could allow better materials to make up battery electrodes by converting them into a nanochain structure, extending battery lifetime and increasing...

Brabus Launches ‘Deep Blue’ G-Wagon, Speedboat & Luxury Watch Line

Brabus is unifying its collaborations with Mercedes-AMG, Finland’s Axopar Boats, and Panerai luxury watches under one Deep Blue collection.Being that Brabus is...