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Techno Man

Techno Man

New pharmaceutical target reverses osteoporosis in mice

Biomedical engineers have discovered that an adenosine receptor called A2B can be pharmaceutically activated to reverse bone degradation caused by osteoporosis in mouse models...

Parasite needs chemical (lipid/nutrient) in cat intestines for sex

Toxoplasma gondii is a microbial parasite that infects humans and but needs cats to complete its full life cycle. New research shows why: the...

Scientists propose network of imaging centers to drive innovation in biological research

When sparks fly to innovate new technologies for imaging life at the microscopic scale, often diverse researchers are nudging each other with a kind...

Understanding the animal brain could help robots wash your dishes

Neuroscientists show how evolution and animal brains can be a rich source of inspiration for machine learning, especially to help AI tackle some enormously...

Health records pin broad set of health risks on genetic premutation

Researchers have found that there may be a much broader health risk to carriers of the FMR1 premutation, with potentially dozens of clinical conditions...

New pathway for potential glioblastoma treatment

A team has discovered a new pathway that may help suppress the development of glioblastoma tumors, one of the deadliest forms of cancer.

Protein-transport discovery may help define new strategies for treating eye disease

Many forms of vision loss stem from a common source: impaired communication between the eye and the brain. And at the root of that...

Most patients willing to share medical records for research purposes

Researchers report most patients are willing to share medical records for research purposes, with a few caveats.

Scientists probe how distinct liquid organelles in cells are created

One way biological compounds inside cells stay organized is through membrane-less organelles (MLOs) -- wall-less liquid droplets made from proteins and RNA that clump...

Shift to more intense rains threatens historic Italian winery

Wine lovers may appreciate a dry white, but a lack of steady rainfall brought on by a changing climate is threatening a centuries old...

Brabus Launches ‘Deep Blue’ G-Wagon, Speedboat & Luxury Watch Line

Brabus is unifying its collaborations with Mercedes-AMG, Finland’s Axopar Boats, and Panerai luxury watches under one Deep Blue collection.Being that Brabus is...