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Techno Man

Techno Man

Studying vision in pitch-darkness shines light on how a mammal’s brain drives behavior

By studying behavior of mice navigating a maze in near-complete darkness using infra-red cameras and deep-learning trained models, neuroscientists are able to interpret what...

Scientists discover hidden differences among cells that may help them evade drug therapy

Researchers have discovered that seemingly identical cells can use different protein molecules to carry out the same function in an important cellular process. The...

Electric eel produces highest voltage discharge of any known animal

South American rivers are home to at least three different species of electric eels, including a newly identified species capable of generating a greater...

Prenatal HIV exposure linked to decreased infant immunity

Scientists have provided concrete evidence linking the specific immune responses in HIV-negative babies to the HIV-positive status of their mothers.

Tides don’t always flush water out to sea

In Willapa Bay in Washington state, scientists discovered that water washing over tidal flats during high tides is largely the same water that washed...

Knowing when patients with tibial fractures can bear weight

Until now, there's never been a tool that could determine how long it will take a patient to heal from a tibial fracture. But...

How babies absorb calcium could be key to treating osteoporosis in seniors

New research reveals the mechanism that allows breastfeeding babies to absorb large amounts of calcium and build healthy bones -- a discovery that could...

Deepwater horizon oil buried in gulf coast beaches could take decades to biodegrade

Golf ball-size clods of weathered crude oil originating from the 2010 Deepwater Horizon catastrophe could remain buried in sandy Gulf Coast beaches for decades,...

Mathematical model could help correct bias in measuring bacterial communities

A mathematical model shows how bias distorts results when measuring bacterial communities through metagenomic sequencing. The proof-of-concept model could be the first step toward...

Precious metal flecks could be catalyst for better cancer therapies

Tiny extracts of a precious metal used widely in industry could play a vital role in new cancer therapies.

Brabus Launches ‘Deep Blue’ G-Wagon, Speedboat & Luxury Watch Line

Brabus is unifying its collaborations with Mercedes-AMG, Finland’s Axopar Boats, and Panerai luxury watches under one Deep Blue collection.Being that Brabus is...