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Techno Man

Techno Man

Binge drinking may be more damaging to women

In a recently published study examining the effects of binge drinking on rats, researchers discovered that female rats who were of equal age and...

New lipid signaling target may improve T cell immunotherapy

T cell immunotherapy uses the immune system to kill cancer cells. To increase the efficacy of this new treatment, researchers aimed to discover a...

Mating behavior and movement patterns influence dynamics of animal diseases

Scientists have carried out an analysis of long-term data of an outbreak of classical swine fever in wild boars in the German federal state...

Optic nerve stimulation to aid the blind

Scientists are investigating new ways to provide visual signals to the blind by directly stimulating the optic nerve. Their preliminary study uses a new...

A second planet in the Beta Pictoris system

A team of astronomers has discovered a second giant planet in orbit around alpha Pictoris, a star that is relatively young (23 million years...

Mississippi River diversions: Driving land gain or land loss?

River diversions have not created or maintained land, but resulted in more land loss, according to a new article.

Spinning lightwaves on a one-way street

Researchers have created a quantum spin wave for light. This can be a carrier of information for future nanotechnologies but with a unique twist:...

Genetic risk is associated with differences in gut microbiome

Children with a high genetic risk of developing type 1 diabetes have different gut microbiomes than children with a low risk, according to a...

Targeting cell division in pancreatic cancer

Study provides new evidence of synergistic effects of drugs that inhibit cell division and support for further clinical trials.

Lab-based dark energy experiment narrows search options for elusive force

An experiment to test a popular theory of dark energy has found no evidence of new forces, placing strong constraints on related theories.

Brabus Launches ‘Deep Blue’ G-Wagon, Speedboat & Luxury Watch Line

Brabus is unifying its collaborations with Mercedes-AMG, Finland’s Axopar Boats, and Panerai luxury watches under one Deep Blue collection.Being that Brabus is...