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A Pork Meme in China Shows Why Officials Worry About Soaring Prices

(Bloomberg) -- China’s pork prices are soaring so quickly that an internet meme has emerged suggesting the newest way to show off wealth: a...

Texas Inmate Mark Soliz Executed for 2010 Killing

Fort Worth Star-Telegram/GettyA Texas death-row inmate convicted of murdering a 61-year-old woman during a robbery in 2010 was executed on Tuesday night, becoming the...

McConnell Said No to Money for Miners, Yes to Russian-Backed Plant

Photo Illustration by Elizabeth Brockway/The Daily Beast/GettySenate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell last month blocked a measure that would have used Treasury Department funds marked...

Family trapped atop waterfall send SOS message in plastic bottle and someone finds it

It was a desperate act of hope by a father fearing he had brought his family into mortal peril.When Curtis Whitson found himself, his...

Winner-take-all presidential elections: Unconstitutional and unfair to voters in 48 states

This system hurts Republicans and Democrats alike, and it doesn't need a constitutional amendment to fix. Courts should prod states to make changes.

The Bahamas looks like ‘nuclear bombs were dropped’ after Hurricane Dorian, says US aid...

Officials on Monday reported that the death toll from the storm has risen to 50 as the island begins to rebuild after Hurricane Dorian.

Missing underwear delays trial of woman accused of lying to gain access to Trump’s...

A Chinese businesswoman has gone on trial for allegedly lying to a Secret Service agent and trespassing at Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago club – but...

Syria’s Raqqa still finding the dead, 2 years after IS fall

The neighbors reported a foul smell coming from the house next door. The house, which the Islamic State group had used as a...

India’s moon mission locates landing craft, no communication yet

India has located the spacecraft it was trying to land on the moon but has not been able to establish communication with it yet,...

Brabus Launches ‘Deep Blue’ G-Wagon, Speedboat & Luxury Watch Line

Brabus is unifying its collaborations with Mercedes-AMG, Finland’s Axopar Boats, and Panerai luxury watches under one Deep Blue collection.Being that Brabus is...