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Iranian official Javad Zarif arrives unexpectedly at G7 amid tensions. Trump’s response? ‘No comment’

Iranian official Mohammad Zarif arrived unexpectedly at the G7 meeting in France, a dramatic move that seemed likely to highlight U.S. isolation.

Explainer: Why are the Amazon fires sparking a crisis for Brazil – and the...

A record number of fires ravaging the Amazon has drawn international outrage because of the rainforest's importance to the global environment and prompted Brazilian...

EXPLAINER-Why are the Amazon fires sparking a crisis for Brazil – and the world?

A record number of fires ravaging the Amazon has drawn international outrage because of the rainforest's importance to the global environment and prompted Brazilian...

Joe Biden is my Harvard, not my ‘safety school.’ He really is my favorite...

Pundits say there's no enthusiasm for Joe Biden. Why is it so hard to believe that many people, including me, like him best of...

Bolivia president does about-face and will now accept aid to put out wildfires

Bolivian President Evo Morales did an about-face on Sunday and said he was now open to international aid to fight the blazes that have...

White House insists Trump has authority to block American companies from doing business in...

White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow asserted President Trump’s threat to block trade between private Americans businesses and China, saying he has “emergency economic...

British Airways Bank Holiday chaos as thousands of travellers spend hours on phone trying...

British Airways was accused of "ruining" the bank holiday weekend as thousands of holidaymakers attempted to salvage their travel plans in the wake of...

Donald Trump Upstaged at G7 By Foreign Minister of … Iran

Jeff J Mitchell/ReutersIt looked like President Donald Trump was set up for a diplomatic ambush at the Group of Seven summit on Sunday when...

The Latest: Hezbollah leader: Israeli drones will be downed

The leader of Lebanon's Hezbollah says his group will confront and shoot down any Israeli drones that fly over Lebanon from now on. ...

Lindsey Graham: ‘Accept the pain’ of the U.S.-China trade war

The senator and key Trump ally suggested China will try to drag the trade war out through the 2020 elections.

Brabus Launches ‘Deep Blue’ G-Wagon, Speedboat & Luxury Watch Line

Brabus is unifying its collaborations with Mercedes-AMG, Finland’s Axopar Boats, and Panerai luxury watches under one Deep Blue collection.Being that Brabus is...