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Trump calls out CNN for missing punctuation mark as impeachment looms

An impeachment inquiry is looming, and the revelations in the whistleblower scandal pop up hour by hour, but President Trump took CNN to task...

Don’t let your guard down: Hurricane season 2019 has hit some records. And it’s...

We're still in the middle of hurricane season 2019, and that means coastal residents should stay prepared for possible more record-breaking storms

‘I wish he would shut the heck up’: Republicans sour on Giuliani

Even some of president's closest Hill allies say Giuliani isn't helping the president.

Family sues Best Buy after the death of a 75-year-old woman who police say...

Evelyn Udell's family has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Best Buy and two delivery contractors.

ACLU argues pregnant women wrongly returned to Mexico

Civil rights groups are demanding an investigation by Homeland Security's watchdog into the practice of sending pregnant women back over the U.S.-Mexico border to...

Man who released Canadian PM’s brownface photo says he has no political affiliation

The man who gave Time magazine the photo of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau wearing brownface at a school event said on Friday he...

Forget the Galaxy Fold, Motorola’s foldable Razr will launch before the end of the...

The Galaxy Fold was just released on Friday, that is, if you can find one in stores -- and if you want to buy...

Investigations touch Illinois powerbroker’s confidants

One of the nation's most powerful state legislators has for decades tended to shrug off the latest scandal involving Illinois politicians, but the sight...

CDC Says for First Time That THC Could Be Behind Vaping Deaths and Illnesses

During a press briefing on Friday, the Center for Disease Control (CDC), said that Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) containing products plays a role in the recent...

18 Transgender Killings This Year Raise Fears of an ‘Epidemic’

ATLANTA -- In the most recent killing of a transgender woman, her body was found inside an abandoned car, burned beyond recognition. In another...

Brabus Launches ‘Deep Blue’ G-Wagon, Speedboat & Luxury Watch Line

Brabus is unifying its collaborations with Mercedes-AMG, Finland’s Axopar Boats, and Panerai luxury watches under one Deep Blue collection.Being that Brabus is...