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Dominican Republic Announces New Safety Measures After Deaths of 11 American Tourists

'American tourists should feel safe and secure,' an official said

Stephen Colbert Mocks Biden’s Age After Dem Debate: Not ‘a Lot of Time Left’

CBSStephen Colbert went live after the latest Democratic presidential debate Thursday night and he began running down the highlights from each candidate’s opening statement....

The best Democratic debate so far may have been the worst TV; here’s why...

Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders shared the stage, and there were some moments, but the three hours of debate lessened the impact.

‘When I listened tonight, I felt like it was like eating leftovers’: Marianne Williamson...

"When I listened tonight, I felt like it was like eating leftovers," she told a group at a Beverly Hills, Calif. party.

Castro appears to misrepresent Biden’s health care plan during debate

Julian Castro appears to have gotten his attack on Joe Biden wrong and misrepresented part of Biden's plan for which Castro faced criticism online...

The Latest: EPA revokes water protection regulation

The Trump administration says revoking an Obama-era rule on waters and wetlands would provide "much-needed regulatory certainty" for farmers, homebuilders and landowners. Writing...

Rochester diocese, facing flood of sex-abuse claims, files for bankruptcy protection

The Rochester diocese filed for bankruptcy protection Thursday, less than a month after a new law led to a flood of sex-abuse claims.

New Zealand’s PM Ardern acts to tighten gun laws further, six months after attack

New Zealand's Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern introduced a new bill to parliament on Friday that aims to further tighten gun laws, as the country...

What were those protesters saying? Joe Biden’s final answer interrupted during debate

Protesters crashed the final minutes of Thursday night's debate in Houston, though people on Twitter had a tough time understanding what was said.

Trump vows to protect 2nd Amendment after gun briefing

President Donald Trump pledged Thursday to protect the Second Amendment, hours after huddling with top advisers to discuss gun control measures he might be...

Brabus Launches ‘Deep Blue’ G-Wagon, Speedboat & Luxury Watch Line

Brabus is unifying its collaborations with Mercedes-AMG, Finland’s Axopar Boats, and Panerai luxury watches under one Deep Blue collection.Being that Brabus is...