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‘Paradise has been turned to hell’: Residents, aid workers in Bahamas deal with Dorian...

Food, water and other humanitarian aid began pouring onto Abaco Island on Saturday as private pilots and charter companies ferried in supplies and carried...

Amid fears of higher Dorian death toll, islanders vie to leave

Bahamians scrambled to escape the islands hardest-hit by Dorian, which has killed at least 43 people, while the monster storm churned northward and made...

P-61, first collared mountain lion to cross 405 Freeway, fatally struck on Sepulveda Pass

A male mountain lion that made headlines just months ago for successfully crossing the 405 Freeway was struck and killed Saturday on that same...

‘I didn’t hear the words’: Harris apologizes for response to mental disabilities slur

"That word and others like it aren’t acceptable. Ever,” Harris wrote on Twitter

2020 Democrats Warm to Mandatory Buybacks of Assault Weapons

(Bloomberg) -- As mass shootings pile up, several Democratic presidential candidates are embracing mandated “buybacks” of assault weapons, a proposal that sharpens the political...

Watch this hero on an 80 mph roller coaster catch a loose iPhone in...

Most of us have our phones with us and generally on our person pretty much all day, except for when we're sleeping -- and...

US embassy mourns death of brutal dictator Robert Mugabe

The U.S. embassy to Zimbabwe 'extends its condolences' to the Mugabe family and the people of Zimbabwe following the former dictator's death.

For Bahamas island’s new homeless, a grim wait for evacuation

Miralda Smith spoke in a nervous near-whisper as she lined up Saturday with hundreds of other weary, shell-shocked residents of devastated Marsh Harbour to...

In New Hampshire, 2020 Dems urge voters to not play it safe

Several Democratic presidential candidates urged voters in New Hampshire on Saturday to not play it safe in the 2020 election, leveling an implicit critique...

MIT Media Lab director Joi Ito resigns after New Yorker exposé shows he quietly...

After a New Yorker exposé published emails between MIT Media Lab Director Joi Ito and the late Jeffrey Epstein, Ito has announced his resignation.

Brabus Launches ‘Deep Blue’ G-Wagon, Speedboat & Luxury Watch Line

Brabus is unifying its collaborations with Mercedes-AMG, Finland’s Axopar Boats, and Panerai luxury watches under one Deep Blue collection.Being that Brabus is...