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Hundreds of Bahamian refugees kicked off US-bound ferry over visa confusion

Viral video from the ferry Balearia in Freeport included an announcement that "passengers who don't have a U.S. visa, please proceed to disembark."

Rocks discovered from the day the dinosaurs died 66 million years ago when an...

Rocks from the most pivotal moment in Earth's history were discovered offshore of the Yucatan Peninsula, a study says.

China warns the UK could be committing ‘hostile action’ if it sends carrier into...

Britain has been warned by China that the deployment of HMS Queen Elizabeth to the South China Sea could be viewed as a “hostile...

Democrats are reportedly preparing an embarrassing dossier against Trump before the 2020 election

"Make it about performance as president, not his bigotry or awfulness," DNC chairman Tom Perez said, according to Axios.

McConnell backs short-term spending bill to avert shutdown

“A major focus of the Senate this month will be ... passing a temporary continuing resolution for the outstanding parts of the government," McConnell...

WV pol charged after anger over racist signs turns physical

A West Virginia lawmaker has been charged for kicking a door into a statehouse staffer and elbowing a delegate because he was mad about...

The U.S. forced to extract top spy from Russia after Trump revealed classified information...

The U.S. was forced to extract a top-secret source from Russia after President Trump revealed classified information to two Russian officials in 2017, CNN...

New York college student arrested in Russia over medical marijuana possession

Audrey Lorber, a student at Pace University, was stopped at the airport in St. Petersburg with 19.05 grams of medical marijuana.

Donald Trump denies overruling Pence and other advisers on Camp David meeting with Taliban

President Trump pushed back Monday on reports that he overruled objections from Vice President Pence and others on a meeting with Taliban leaders.

Brabus Launches ‘Deep Blue’ G-Wagon, Speedboat & Luxury Watch Line

Brabus is unifying its collaborations with Mercedes-AMG, Finland’s Axopar Boats, and Panerai luxury watches under one Deep Blue collection.Being that Brabus is...