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After Germany hints at compromise, France tells UK: no new Brexit deal

German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Wednesday challenged Britain to come up with alternatives to the Irish border backstop within 30 days, but French President...

Take the deal, President Trump. Eighteen years is enough. It’s time to leave Afghanistan.

Al-Qaida was debilitated long ago, and building an Afghan democracy is fool’s gold. No more U.S. troops should give their lives. Bring them all...

Kashmir families demand answers for ‘unaccounted for’ deaths

Rafiq Shagu's wife died shortly after Friday prayers in India's Muslim-majority Kashmir when tear gas smashed through a window in their home and filled...

CORRECTED (OFFICIAL)-UPDATE 1-Iranian news agency says tanker leased to shipping firms

Iran's semi-official ILNA news agency said on Wednesday the Adrian Darya 1 tanker, which was released after being detained in Gibraltar, is currently leased...

Indian PM raises Kashmir protests with British counterpart

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has spoken to his British counterpart, Boris Johnson, about violent demonstrations over Kashmir outside the Indian embassy in London,...

Iranian news agency says tanker leased to shipping firms

Iran's semi-official ILNA news agency said on Wednesday the Adrian Darya 1 tanker, which was released after being detained in Gibraltar, is currently leased...

Iran says oil tanker breaks down in Red Sea

An Iranian oil tanker has broken down in the Red Sea but the crew are safe and repairs are underway, Iran's state news agency...

Chinese Paper Attacks Twitter and Facebook for Shutting Accounts

(Bloomberg) -- Twitter Inc. and Facebook Inc.’s move to close accounts that the companies said were backed by China and attempting to manipulate news...

Former Texans player Mario Williams accused of trespassing in woman’s home

Mario Williams allegedly cloned a woman's garage remote in order to access her Katy apartment in the middle of the night, court documents say.

Anderson Cooper: ‘If You Can’t Be Tough With the NRA, Go After the Danish...

Following President Trump’s sudden Tuesday night announcement that he was canceling his Denmark trip because the Danish won’t entertain the idea of selling Greenland...

Brabus Launches ‘Deep Blue’ G-Wagon, Speedboat & Luxury Watch Line

Brabus is unifying its collaborations with Mercedes-AMG, Finland’s Axopar Boats, and Panerai luxury watches under one Deep Blue collection.Being that Brabus is...