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The Amazon is burning and smoke from the fires can be seen from space

Smoke from record wildfires raging in the Amazon rainforest blanketed São Paulo on Monday and could be seen from space.

The True Stories Behind the Serial Killers of Mindhunter Season 2

From Charles Manson to William "Junior" Pierce

Japanese report to say North Korea has miniaturized nuclear warheads: newspaper

Japan has upgraded its estimate of North Korea's nuclear weapons capability in an upcoming annual Defence White Paper, saying it seems Pyongyang has achieved...

Climate change will cripple economies regardless of countries’ wealth- report

Climate change will damage the economies of countries whether they are rich or poor, hot or cold by the year 2100, economists said in...

What Jeffrey Epstein’s Last-Minute Will Means for Accusers Trying to Recover Money From His...

"It could take many, many years before anybody gets a penny of this"

El Paso mass shooting widower receives free vehicle after his is wrecked

Vanessa Kondow, who works for a towing company, said in an Aug. 18 social media post that Antonio Basco’s vehicle was stolen and wrecked Aug. 17.

Best Mattresses of 2019

Buying a new mattress can be a headache because it’s difficult to separate the marketing hype from a mattress’s attributes. “There are so many...

Trump team braces GOP donors for a potential ‘moderate and short’ recession

The White House is weighing cuts to corporate and payroll taxes, among other measures, to cushion the U.S. economy if an election-year recession hits.

Homophobia seen rising in European countries without gay marriage

Homophobia has risen in European countries that do not legally recognise same-sex relationships, while acceptance of gay and lesbian people has jumped in states...

Brabus Launches ‘Deep Blue’ G-Wagon, Speedboat & Luxury Watch Line

Brabus is unifying its collaborations with Mercedes-AMG, Finland’s Axopar Boats, and Panerai luxury watches under one Deep Blue collection.Being that Brabus is...