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Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson and Girlfriend Lauren Hashian Are Expecting a Baby Girl!

Dwayne Johnson is going to be a dad again — and it’s another girl

Jack White Shares ‘Servings And Portions From My Boarding House Reach’ Video

Watch a video featuring an audio collage of what appears to be new music from Jack White.

Mother of Keaton Jones says Confederate flag photos were supposed to be 'ironic and...

The mother of Keaton Jones is addressing backlash on social media after controversial photos emerged of her and her son posing with Confederate flags.

Firefighters wrestle to control massive California wildfire

An out-of-control California wildfire that has already destroyed nearly 700 homes in its path of destruction crept closer to the upscale hillside community of...

Robert Mugabe flies to Singapore in his first trip since being ousted

 Zimbabwe's former president Robert Mugabe has left the country for medical checks in Singapore, his first foreign travel since the army forced him from...

Opioid crisis strains foster system as kids pried from homes

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — The case arrives with all the routine of a traffic citation: A baby boy, just 4 days old and exposed to...

Celebrities Flee California Community as Ash Falls Like Snow – Venture County Timelapse

Ash fell like snow and heavy smoke had residents gasping for air Monday as a huge Southern California wildfire exploded in size again, becoming...

QOTSA Frontman Issues Statement After Kicking Photographer

Queens of the Stone Age frontman Josh Homme has released a statement after his recent incident with a concert photographer. Video has emerged that...

5 Things That Truly Don’t Matter When You Buy Your First House

All those concerns you have about money are quite legitimate, and the mortgage process can be confusing.

moe. Adds Tour Dates Following Cancer Scare

Following the sigh of relief from bassist Rob Derhak’s cancer-free diagnosis, comes renewed tour dates coming up in February 2018. When news first broke...

Brabus Launches ‘Deep Blue’ G-Wagon, Speedboat & Luxury Watch Line

Brabus is unifying its collaborations with Mercedes-AMG, Finland’s Axopar Boats, and Panerai luxury watches under one Deep Blue collection.Being that Brabus is...