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“The Hate Project” by Steve Cole reveals hate groups all around us

They form an army you might meet in a nightmare. Nearly one thousand glazed white figurines dressed in symbols of hatred — such as...

BTL: The North Dakota Pipeline Protest Asks What’s More Valuable, Water or Oil?

Protesters clumped together like Gore-Tex penguins on the North Dakota, bridge. On Nov. 18, hundreds of people congregated at Backwater Bridge, in the path...

The V-Spot: I’m a Queer Woman in a Hetero Marriage

I’ve been thinking about writing to you for a long time. My husband and I are about to celebrate 11 years as a...

Stagestruck: Guy Meets Girl

I feel a kinship with the musical Once, because in a former life I did my own share of street-busking, like the bluejeaned lead...

Back Talk: Fight for Health Care, Feeling Bad for Trump

Enough Disappointment to Go Around I was sorely dismayed by the publication of your editorial as if Hillary Clinton had won (“Between the Lines:...

How to talk politics with your family on Thanksgiving: an Advocate chat

The Valley Advocate is starting up a new feature: chats! Our inaugural chat will be about mixing family and politics during Thanksgiving. If you...

News of the Weird: Democracy in Action

While “democracy” in most of America means electing representatives to run government, on Nov. 8 in San Francisco it also expected voters to decide...

Nightcrawler: Talkin’ Turkey

Thanksgiving Eve is roundly considered one of the busiest bar days of the year. True to form, this Wednesday, Nov. 23, finds the Valley circuit...

Stagestruck: Closing the Gender Gap

Every year I take note of the plays I’ve seen that are written and/or directed by women, and those that revolve around a woman...

Cinemadope: Into the Woods

With Black Friday upon us this week, the maelstrom of the holiday shopping season has officially begun. Weekends will find increasingly desperate hordes descending...

Brabus Launches ‘Deep Blue’ G-Wagon, Speedboat & Luxury Watch Line

Brabus is unifying its collaborations with Mercedes-AMG, Finland’s Axopar Boats, and Panerai luxury watches under one Deep Blue collection.Being that Brabus is...