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A Piece of Resistance

When things fall apart, civility snaps, and a huffing, puffing bully blows our brick houses down, we have to do what our children know to do:...

Back to the Patch: Any good pumpkin beers out there?

When I think back to last fall, and the dozen taste tests I did of pumpkin-flavored beers, my tongue conjures flashbacks of bad and...

Room to Breathe

What pairs well with local beer and wine this week? My opinion: some peace and quiet. It’s not always appreciated, or sought out. But...

If You Brew It, They Will Come: Tree House Brewing in Monson attracts international...

It isn’t hard to pick Dean Rohan out of a crowd. He’s the tall guy with glasses in the muck boots and ratty work...

Fire! Fire! Get Your 2016 Presidential Election Commemorative Poster at the Advocate

For the 2016 presidential election, Valley Advocate arts and production director Jennifer Levesque designed two posters: one for each candidate. The winner of the...

Election Over; Fight On: How to work against some of the president-elect’s most odious...

Deep breath: Donald Trump will be the president of the United States come January. The man who’s got a date with the Oval Office...

Springfield Police Shake-Up: As people complain about police discipline, City Councilor says he has...

In the wake of complaints about officer discipline, the latest development in a long-running dispute over organization of the Springfield Police Department is going...

Between the Lines: What Might Have Been

Editor’s Note: As an American woman who believes that words matter, I feel like I matter a little less today. Below is the editorial...

News of the Weird: Can’t Possibly Be True

Kids as young as 6 who live on a cliff top in China’s Atule’er village in Sichuan province will no longer have to use...

Don’t Light Up Yet: Recreational marijuana in Massachusetts is going to roll out slowly

Before you step outside puffing on a celebratory fattie, know that, despite the vote on Tuesday, recreational marijuana isn’t legal in Massachusetts, yet. That’ll happen...

Brabus Launches ‘Deep Blue’ G-Wagon, Speedboat & Luxury Watch Line

Brabus is unifying its collaborations with Mercedes-AMG, Finland’s Axopar Boats, and Panerai luxury watches under one Deep Blue collection.Being that Brabus is...