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Ultrasound releases drug to alter activity in targeted brain areas in rats

Scientists have developed a noninvasive way of delivering drugs to within a few millimeters of a desired point in the brain. The method, tested...

Autonomous vehicles could shape the future of urban tourism

In a new study, researchers examine how Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) may have a substantial impact on the future of urban tourism.

Clinical and environmental factors impact absorption of common sunscreen ingredient

New research demonstrates that heat and reapplication influences different sunscreen products containing the same amount of a key ingredient, oxybenzone, potentially affecting safety and...

Goffin’s cockatoos can create and manipulate novel tools

Goffin's cockatoos can tear cardboard into long strips as tools to reach food -- but fail to adjust strip width to fit through narrow...

Artificial sensor mimics human sense of touch

A new tactile sensor can detect surface shapes and structures, showing advantages over existing sensors, according to new research.

The teeth of Changchunsaurus: Rare insight into ornithopod dinosaur tooth evolution

The teeth of Changchunsaurus parvus, a small herbivorous dinosaur from the Cretaceous of China, represent an important and poorly-known stage in the evolution of...

A molecular switch links a Scottish mouse, a Finnish patient and Parkinson’s disease

Researchers have made an unexpected and vital contribution to an international collaborative effort in Parkinson's disease research.

Images of photosynthetic protein complex splitting water

In a new article presents high-resolution images of photosystem II, the protein complex that splits water into hydrogen ions and oxygen during photosynthesis. The...

Machine-learning algorithm predicts how cells repair broken DNA

By creating a machine-learning algorithm that predicts how human and mouse cells respond to CRISPR-induced breaks in DNA, a team of researchers discovered that...

Finding a rhyme and reason to CRISPR-Cas9’s mutations

Investigators have discovered that template-free Cas9 editing is predictable, and they have developed a machine learning model that can predict insertions and deletions with...

Brabus Launches ‘Deep Blue’ G-Wagon, Speedboat & Luxury Watch Line

Brabus is unifying its collaborations with Mercedes-AMG, Finland’s Axopar Boats, and Panerai luxury watches under one Deep Blue collection.Being that Brabus is...