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Playing high school football changes the teenage brain

A single season of high school football may cause microscopic changes in the structure of the brain, according to a new study. A new...

Severe eczema may best be treated by allergy shots

A medically-challenging case found that allergy shots provided significant benefits to the eczema symptoms suffered by a 48-year-old man.

Milk allergy affects half of US food-allergic kids under age 1

New research found that over two percent of all US children under the age of 5 have a milk allergy, and 53 percent of...

Treated superalloys demonstrate unprecedented heat resistance

Researchers have discovered how to make 'superalloys' even more super, extending useful life by thousands of hours. The discovery could improve materials performance for...

Artificial intelligence predicts treatment effectiveness

How can a doctor predict the treatment outcome of an individual patient? Traditionally, the effectiveness of medical treatments is studied by randomized trials, but...

Sucking your baby’s pacifier to clean it may prevent allergies

New research suggests a link between parental sucking on a pacifier and a lower allergic response among young children.

Newborn babies’ brain responses to being touched on the face measured for the first...

A newborn baby's brain responds to being touched on the face, according to new research. Babies use this sense of touch -- facial somatosensation...

Proteins cooperate to break up energy structures in oxygen starved heart cells

Researchers found that the filamin A-Drp1 complex mediates mitochondrial fission in a mouse model of hypoxic heart cells. Results show that hypoxic stress brought...

Establishment of the immortalized cell line derived from Okinawa rail (endangered species)

As part of the cellular conservation of endangered species, our group initiated a primary cell culture project aimed at preserving endangered avian species in...

Color coded: Matching taste with color

Color can impact the taste of food, and our experiences and expectations can affect how we taste food, according to Penn State researchers, who...

Brabus Launches ‘Deep Blue’ G-Wagon, Speedboat & Luxury Watch Line

Brabus is unifying its collaborations with Mercedes-AMG, Finland’s Axopar Boats, and Panerai luxury watches under one Deep Blue collection.Being that Brabus is...