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Device that integrates solar cell and battery could store electricity outside the grid

Scientists have harnessed the abilities of both a solar cell and a battery in one device -- a 'solar flow battery' that soaks up...

Smart devices could soon tap their owners as a battery source

The world is edging closer to a reality where smart devices are able to use their owners as an energy resource, say experts.

Feeding ants dopamine might make them smarter foragers

In an ant colony, few tasks are as important as gathering food. But the desert heat can pose a challenge for an ant on...

PCB pollution threatens to wipe out killer whales

More than 40 years after the first initiatives were taken to ban the use of PCBs, the chemical pollutants remain a deadly threat to...

Method to determine oxidative age could show how aging affects nanomaterial’s properties

New work looks to understand how iron oxide nanoparticles age, and how aging may change their functional or safety profiles. By combining lab-based Mössbauer...

New bird flu viruses in ducks after vaccines largely prevented H7N9 in chickens

In response to bird flu pandemics starting in 2013, officials in China introduced a new vaccine for chickens in September 2017. Recent findings suggest...

‘Cellular memory’ of DNA damage in oocyte quality control

Females are born with a finite number of eggs that come from a much larger pool of millions of precursor cells. New research shows...

Well established theories on patterns in evolution might be wrong

How do the large-scale patterns we observe in evolution arise? A new article argues that many of them are a type of statistical artifact...

Following the path of chemicals through the soil

A new and quick way to predict the transport of chemicals through the soil has been developed.

Ancient past of a body plan code probed

Researchers have opened a window on another piece of evolutionary biology. They have found that Hox genes, which are key regulators of the way...

Brabus Launches ‘Deep Blue’ G-Wagon, Speedboat & Luxury Watch Line

Brabus is unifying its collaborations with Mercedes-AMG, Finland’s Axopar Boats, and Panerai luxury watches under one Deep Blue collection.Being that Brabus is...