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Crowd counting through walls with WiFi

Researchers have given the first demonstration of crowd counting through walls using only everyday communication signals such as WiFi. The technique, which requires only...

Technology and therapy help individuals with chronic spinal cord injuries take steps

Of four research participants living with traumatic, motor complete spinal cord injury, two are able to walk over ground with epidural stimulation following epidural...

Parasite makes quick exit when researchers remove the handbrake

Researchers have discovered a way to halt the invasion of the toxoplasmosis-causing parasite into cells, depriving the parasite of a key factor necessary for...

Burst of morning gene activity tells plants when to flower

Researchers have discovered that the gene FT -- the primary driver of the transition to flowering in plants each spring -- does something unexpected...

How nature, nurture shape the sleeping brain

Some patterns of electrical activity generated by the brain during sleep are inherited, according to a study of teenage twins. Pinpointing the relative contributions...

In zebrafish, a way to find new cancer therapies, targeting tumor modulators

Fast-breeding zebrafish, combined with fluorescent tagging, could be a powerful way to find new cancer drugs. This study tested >3,800 drugs in high-throughput fashion...

Children found capable of using the ‘wisdom of crowds’

Children, like adults, can improve their response to difficult tasks by the power of group work, new research has found.

DNA islands effective as ‘anti-bacterial drones’

Genomic 'islands' that evolved from viruses can be converted into 'drones' that disable Staphylococcus aureus, bacteria that are often resistant to antibiotics, a new...

Physical activity necessary to maintain heart-healthy lifestyle

Exercise and physical activity are of vast global importance to prevent and control the increasing problem of heart disease and stroke, according to a...

Challenge continues in developing effective drug treatment for Alzheimer’s disease

Nilvadipine shows no benefit for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease in mild and moderate stages of the disease, but further studies targeting the early...

Brabus Launches ‘Deep Blue’ G-Wagon, Speedboat & Luxury Watch Line

Brabus is unifying its collaborations with Mercedes-AMG, Finland’s Axopar Boats, and Panerai luxury watches under one Deep Blue collection.Being that Brabus is...