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Natural mechanism could lower emissions from tropical peatlands

Scientists have long feared that as Earth warms, tropical peatlands -- which store up to 10 percent of the planet's soil carbon -- could...

‘Cloud computing’ takes on new meaning for scientists

Clouds may be wispy puffs of water vapor drifting through the sky, but they're heavy lifting computationally for scientists wanting to factor them into...

Overlapping copy number variations underlie autism and schizophrenia in Japanese patients

Common genetic variants may underlie autism spectrum disorder and schizophrenia across human populations, according to a new study. In line with previous studies in...

Three new species of fish discovered in the extreme depths of the Pacific Ocean

An exploration to one of the deepest places on earth has captured rare footage of what is believed to be three new species of...

Decoupling stress and corrosion to predict metal failure

The research challenges the traditional viewpoint that the simultaneous presence of stress and a corrosive environment is a requirement for SCC and demonstrates that...

Can you evolve while being robust?

Biophysical constraints on evolvability and robustness have been uncovered.

The universality of shame

An implicit mental map of how negatively others will perceive them sets the level of shame people feel about a potential action.

Encouraging scientists to collaborate on the tropics

A new study investigates collaboration among scientists, researchers, and other figures whose work advances the field of tropical ecology.

Often-overlooked Natural Killer cells may be key to cancer immunotherapy

Immune checkpoint inhibitors are revolutionizing the treatment of cancer, but new research challenges the central dogma of how these drugs work. This research shows...

Breakthrough brain research could yield new treatments for depression

By developing a novel decoding technology, a team of engineers and physicians have discovered how mood variations can be decoded from neural signals in...

Brabus Launches ‘Deep Blue’ G-Wagon, Speedboat & Luxury Watch Line

Brabus is unifying its collaborations with Mercedes-AMG, Finland’s Axopar Boats, and Panerai luxury watches under one Deep Blue collection.Being that Brabus is...