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Sonic the Hedgehog Is Speeding Into Lego

The battle between the mascots for Nintendo and Sega may never end. It of course has raged on for years on gaming consoles, but...

The Walking Dead’s Daryl Spinoff May Include Carol After All

Kevin Smith furthers old reports about the potential of a Batman Beyond adaptation at Warner Bros. Riverdale reveals a suitably unhinged first look at...

Adam Sandler Gets Marriage Advice From an Ancient Space Spider in Spaceman’s New Trailer

Adam Sandler’s next movie for Netflix takes him to space for what at first seems like, as far as space movies go, a down-to-earth...

Habitable Worlds May Lurk in the Sooty In-Betweens of Star Systems

A team of astronomers has proposed peering into the inconspicuous region between host stars and their soot lines to find habitable worlds beyond our...

Ads in Audiobooks Is a Cursed Idea That Won’t Go Away

Imagine you’re stuck in your daily commute and listening to a riveting audiobook, your mind far away and swimming with scenes of action and...

Wizards of the Coast Announces ‘Transparent’ Feedback Process on D&D’s New Game License

In the wake of io9's reporting on Wizards of the Coast’s plans to update Dungeons & Dragons’ long-established Open Game License—the proprietary agreement that...

Webb Spots Most Distant Galaxy Ever Seen—and It’s Weirdly Bright

Researchers recently observed a record-breaking galaxy beaming with young stars, which existed only 290 million years after the universe came into existence, challenging our...

Synthetic Weed Is Causing Scary Bleeding Again

Dozens of Florida residents have been hospitalized with uncontrolled bleeding and at least two have died after they took synthetic cannabinoid products, local health...

Startup’s Proposed Satellite Swarm Would Create 3D Maps of Earth’s Entire Surface

Satellites flying overhead in Earth’s orbit largely provide a two-dimensional view of our planet, but a Florida-based company is hoping to change that by...

Universal Studios Will Require Proof of Vaccination and Masks Starting Next Week

As the world slowly attempts to drag itself toward a sense of normalcy as the covid-19 pandemic continues, events and businesses looking to bring...

Brabus Launches ‘Deep Blue’ G-Wagon, Speedboat & Luxury Watch Line

Brabus is unifying its collaborations with Mercedes-AMG, Finland’s Axopar Boats, and Panerai luxury watches under one Deep Blue collection.Being that Brabus is...