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How schools can optimize support for children with ADHD

New research gives the clearest guidance yet on how schools can best support children with ADHD to improve symptoms and maximize their academic outcomes.

Invasive forage grass leads to grassland bird decline

Researchers found that a common cattle forage grass, tall fescue, is associated with nest failure in dickcissels, small grassland birds similar to sparrows.

Molecular memory can be used to increase the memory capacity of hard disks

Scientists have taken part in research where the first molecule capable of remembering the direction of a magnetic above liquid nitrogen temperatures has been...

Surprise finding: Discovering a previously unknown role for a source of magnetic fields

Feature describes unexpected discovery of a role the process that seeds magnetic fields plays in mediating a phenomenon that occurs throughout the universe and...

How to avoid raising a materialistic child

If you're a parent, you may be concerned that materialism among children has been on the rise. But there's some good news. A new...

Link found between chronic inflammation and risk for Alzheimer’s disease

While it is widely shown that possessing the ApoE4 gene is the major genetic risk factor of Alzheimer's disease (AD), not all ApoE4 carriers...

3D-printed supercapacitor electrode breaks records in lab tests

Scientists have reported unprecedented performance results for a supercapacitor electrode. The researchers fabricated electrodes using a printable graphene aerogel to build a porous three-dimensional...

New cell movement process key to understanding and repairing facial malformations

The embryonic stem cells that form facial features, called neural crest cells, use an unexpected mechanism of moving from the back of the head...

Bee social or buzz off: Study links genes to social behaviors, including autism

A new study found that the social lives of sweat bees -- named for their attraction to perspiration -- are linked to patterns of...

Electrical properties of dendrites help explain our brain’s unique computing power

Neuroscientists have discovered that human dendrites have very different electrical properties from those of other species. These differences may contribute to the enhanced computing...

Brabus Launches ‘Deep Blue’ G-Wagon, Speedboat & Luxury Watch Line

Brabus is unifying its collaborations with Mercedes-AMG, Finland’s Axopar Boats, and Panerai luxury watches under one Deep Blue collection.Being that Brabus is...