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Why do people share? It’s contagious, six-year study of Hadza people shows

In the modern world, people cooperate with other people including strangers all the time. We give blood, tip providers of various services, and donate...

A behavioral intervention for cancer patients that works

This is a story about something rare in health psychology: a treatment that has gone from scientific discovery, through development and testing, to dissemination...

Genomic dark matter activity connects Parkinson’s and psychiatric diseases

Using a new technique known as laser-capture RNA seq, that involves cutting out dopamine neurons from a human brain section with a laser, investigators...

How lactoferrin clamps down on free roaming iron ions to stop nefarious effects on...

What prevents our cells being damaged due to overexposure to iron ions is a protein called lactoferrin, known for its ability to bind tightly...

A one-way street for salt

Barely heard of a couple of years ago, quinoa today is common on European supermarket shelves. The hardy plant thrives even in saline soils....

Study documents poor mental and physical health in rural borderland community members

A new study offers vivid picture of health consequences of life events and chronic strain among foreign-born Mexicans in farm working communities.

Hookworms employ live fast/die young strategy in fur seal pup hosts

Hookworms exploit a live fast/die young strategy in their South American fur seal pup hosts. As a result, they often kill their host, rather...

Major breakthrough in controlling the 3D structure of molecules

Scientists have made a major breakthrough in chemical synthesis that now makes it possible to quickly and reliably modify the 3D structure of molecules...

Reducing false positives in credit card fraud detection

Consumers' credit cards are declined surprisingly often in legitimate transactions. One cause is that fraud-detecting technologies used by a consumer's bank have incorrectly flagged...

Matter falling into a black hole at 30 percent of the speed of light

Astronomers report the first detection of matter falling into a black hole at 30% of the speed of light, located in the center of...

Brabus Launches ‘Deep Blue’ G-Wagon, Speedboat & Luxury Watch Line

Brabus is unifying its collaborations with Mercedes-AMG, Finland’s Axopar Boats, and Panerai luxury watches under one Deep Blue collection.Being that Brabus is...