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Study hints at tools to prevent diabetes caused by psychiatric meds

New research points to a potential approach to reducing the risk of diabetes associated with widely prescribed antipsychotic medications. The study presents early evidence...

Confronting trauma alleviates chronic pain among older veterans

A new study found chronic pain among older adults could be significantly reduced through a newly developed psychotherapy that works by confronting past trauma...

Reinvigorating exhausted immune cells reveals potential therapy target for cancer

Researchers have not only identified how two immune cells work together to fight cancer but also revealed the cascade of molecules that help coordinate...

Outdoor recreation noise affects wildlife behavior and habitat use, study finds

We may go to the woods seeking peace and quiet, but are we taking our noise with us? A recent study indicates that the...

After major traumatic brain injury, more blood transfusions could mean better outcomes

Increased use of blood transfusions after major traumatic brain injury could help people hospitalized in intensive care units regain greater functional independence and a...

Public more confident connecting increasing heat, wildfires with climate change than other extreme weather...

Researchers found that U.S. adults are fairly confident in linking wildfires and heat to climate change, but less confident when it comes to other...

Marine heatwaves devastate red gorgonians in the Medes Islands

The increase in the frequency and intensity of marine heatwaves in recent decades is one of the effects of global climate change. A study...

Watery planets orbiting dead stars may be good candidates for studying life — if...

The small footprint and dim light of white dwarfs, remnants of stars that have burned through their fuel, may make excellent backdrops for studying...

Breakthrough in predicting sudden cardiac death

A new computational method developed by physicists can be used to estimate the risk of sudden cardiac death from a one-minute heart rate measurement...

Estimating the energy of past earthquakes from brecciation in a fault zone

In the same way that the number of rings in a tree can tell us its age, the characteristics of rocks such as breccia...

Brabus Launches ‘Deep Blue’ G-Wagon, Speedboat & Luxury Watch Line

Brabus is unifying its collaborations with Mercedes-AMG, Finland’s Axopar Boats, and Panerai luxury watches under one Deep Blue collection.Being that Brabus is...