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Report: Apple Plans to Release Cheap iPhone 9 Plus With Touch ID This Spring

Code snippets in iOS 14 appear to show that Apple is working on an iPhone 9 Plus to complement the budget model iPhone 9...

Stargirl’s Latest Promo Wants You to Laugh and Think About the Justice Society of...

As more of DC Comics’ superheroes like Stargirl make their way onto the small screen, Warner Bros. is getting to the important business of...trying...

Scientists Discover Ice Age Structure Made From Bones of 60 Mammoths

An unusually large structure from the last ice age built from the bones of dozens of woolly mammoths has been uncovered in Russia. Dating...

A Costume-Less Batwoman Just Crossed a Line Batman Rarely Has

Batwoman is a much darker show than the other CW superhero fare. It kind of makes sense—Bat stories often veer into gothic horror territory....

Calls to Conduct 2020 Elections by Mail Are Growing as Virus Spreads

With the general election more than seven months away, the potential impact of covid-19 on voter turnout remains largely hypothetical. But in what could...

CDC Advises Morticians That It Is Time to Switch to Livestreaming Funerals

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has warned morticians that large funerals should be livestreamed instead due to the spread of the novel...

AMD’s Ray Tracing Looks Great on the Xbox Series X, but It’s Based on...

We’ve known for a while that Microsoft’s next-gen console, Xbox Series X, will include ray tracing, but we haven’t seen what it will look...

RuPaul Has a Fracking Empire on His Wyoming Ranch

As if we needed any more evidence that the world is a psychedelic hellscape, RuPaul—yeah, that RuPaul— and his husband are making money off...

What to Do If You Need a Return or Pick Up at the Apple...

Last week, after Apple announced that that the company was closing all of its retail stores outside of China until March 27th as a...

Covid-19 Is Spreading Far and Wide From People Who Don’t Feel Sick, New Research...

More and more research is starting to confirm a troubling suspicion scientists have had about covid-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus: People...

Brabus Launches ‘Deep Blue’ G-Wagon, Speedboat & Luxury Watch Line

Brabus is unifying its collaborations with Mercedes-AMG, Finland’s Axopar Boats, and Panerai luxury watches under one Deep Blue collection.Being that Brabus is...