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Near-Earth Asteroid Sets Off Alert, Turns Out to Be Two Asteroids Hanging Out Together

An asteroid that whizzed within 3 million miles of Earth last week turned out to be two objects in a binary system, according to...

Kingdom Come Developers Turn the Tables on Pirates With Copyright Counter-Attack

The great ideological battles over internet piracy feel like they’re long behind us, but the developers of the action RPG video game Kingdom Come:...

Helmets From WWI Just as Protective Against Overhead Blasts as Modern Helmets

New research suggests helmets used in World War I protected soldiers against overhead artillery blasts just as well as modern helmets—and one, the French...

Oh Yeah, Betelgeuse Is Definitely Looking Weirder

At this point, we’re all crossing our fingers that the dying star Betelgeuse will hurry up and explode already, because who doesn’t love a...

Shitty Person Wins Case Against UK Police Who Warned Him About His Transphobic Tweets

A high court in the UK ruled on Friday that police should not have visited a man who sent out “transphobic” tweets at his...

China Using Drones in Increasingly Dystopian Ways to Combat Coronavirus Outbreak

Authorities in China have deployed drones to combat the spread of coronavirus in a variety of ways since the outbreak began, including disinfectant drones...

China Reports 6 Health Workers Dead and 1,716 Sickened by Coronavirus

Health officials in China announced on Friday that the new coronavirus has sickened at least 1,716 health care workers and killed six. Roughly 87...

Amazon Wins Court Injunction, Halting Work on $10 Billion JEDI Contract It Lost to...

A federal judge just put the brakes on a major military contract after Amazon argued it only lost out to rival Microsoft because the...

Vertical Movies Are Coming Whether Anyone Actually Wants to Watch Them

Smartphone cameras have become so good that they’ve turned us all into amateur directors. But because social networks like Snapchat and Instagram encourage vertical...

The Coronavirus Robot Is Real Swole But Real Dumb

The coronavirus robot has one thing going for it: out of all the androids that have asked me if I’ve experienced diarrhea in the...

Brabus Launches ‘Deep Blue’ G-Wagon, Speedboat & Luxury Watch Line

Brabus is unifying its collaborations with Mercedes-AMG, Finland’s Axopar Boats, and Panerai luxury watches under one Deep Blue collection.Being that Brabus is...