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‘Puzzling’ Virus Found in Brazil Has Genetic Material Not Seen in Anything Else

Scientists in Brazil say they’ve made a mysterious discovery. They claim to have found a virus made of genetic material never before seen elsewhere....

It Appears U.S. Has a ‘Smoking Gun’ Confirming Huawei-Built Spy Backdoors

According to a Wall Street Journal report, the U.S. government officials are claiming Huawei, a phone and telecommunications company with ties to the Chinese...

Spring Is Here… But It’s Still Winter

We’re more than a month out from the official start of spring, but that hasn’t stopped it from popping up earlier than expected. The...

Samsung’s New Galaxy Buds+ Have Double the Battery Life and More Mics

While you might have a hard time telling them apart if they were placed side-by-side, in conjunction with the new Galaxy S20, Samsung has...

With 5G and a 120Hz Display, the Samsung Galaxy S20 Is a Whole Lot...

Last year’s Galaxy S10 was a triumph of phone design, combining innovative features like an in-display fingerprint reader, reverse wireless charging, and tiny punch...

Sing To Your Heart’s Content With This Karaoke Machine Gold Box

Karaoke Machine Gold Box | Amazon

There’s Now an Official Name for the Wuhan Coronavirus Illness

The World Health Organization has finally come up with a name for the illness caused by a newly discovered coronavirus that’s infected at least...

Apple Joins Fido Alliance in Its Bid to Get Rid of Passwords

Apple, which has long prided itself on its devices’ security, has joined the Fido Alliance as a board member. As for why that matters,...

Social Media Post Mocking a Dementia Patient Doesn’t Violate Patient Privacy Law, Court Rules

A nurse’s aide is legally in the clear after posting a hatefully-captioned photo of an Alzheimer’s patient at a nursing home. After the patient’s...

T-Mobile and Sprint Mega-Merger Approved by Federal Judge

After a months-long battle between several states and the third and fourth-largest U.S. wireless carriers, Judge Marrero from the District Court in Manhattan has...

Brabus Launches ‘Deep Blue’ G-Wagon, Speedboat & Luxury Watch Line

Brabus is unifying its collaborations with Mercedes-AMG, Finland’s Axopar Boats, and Panerai luxury watches under one Deep Blue collection.Being that Brabus is...