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The 19 Best Shows of a Decade That Queered Television

From themes and formats to storylines, television isn't as straight and narrow as it used to be. Welcome to the messy, vibrant age of...
Australia's Fireworks Are Happening Despite Climate Emergency

Australia’s Fireworks Are Happening Despite Climate Emergency

The entire country has been experiencing vicious heatwaves throughout December and tomorrow looks like it’s going to be another scorcher. The forecast for Tuesday...

Internet Deception Is Here to Stay—So What Do We Do Now?

Fake followers. Fake news. Foreign influence operations. The last decade revealed that much of what's online is not as it seems.

Nokia 6.2 Review: Finicky Cameras Can’t Sink This $249 Phone

The latest Nokia phone is cheap, but it will get Android updates far longer than many expensive flagship devices.
Get a Head Start On Your 2020 Fitness Regimen With Discounted Activewear and Equipment
The UGG Closet Is Open and Hundreds Of Styles Are On Sale

The UGG Closet Is Open and Hundreds Of Styles Are On Sale

UGG Closet Sale | UGGUGG boots are not ugly, as the nickname might suggest. But they are pricey. If you’ve been eyeing a pair...
Google Search's Newest Feature Bookmarks Movies and TV Shows

Google Search’s Newest Feature Bookmarks Movies and TV Shows

There is entirely too much content out there—so much so that plenty of folks find it quite literally overwhelming. And trying to keep track...

Brabus Launches ‘Deep Blue’ G-Wagon, Speedboat & Luxury Watch Line

Brabus is unifying its collaborations with Mercedes-AMG, Finland’s Axopar Boats, and Panerai luxury watches under one Deep Blue collection.Being that Brabus is...