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Building for our AI future

A note from Google and Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai to employees, sharing a number of structural changes to improve velocity and execution across the...

What If Your AI Girlfriend Hated You?

AngryGF offers a perpetually enraged chatbot intended to teach men better communication skills. WIRED took it for a spin.
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How to Figure Out If the Trees in Your Yard Are Worth Anything

If you own a house with some trees on the property, you probably don’t think about them much unless they require maintenance—and in those...

Peloton’s New ‘History Summary’ Is Like a VIN for Bikes

Buying a used Peloton is a smart way to get what is otherwise a pricey exercise bike. I bought mine used, and have no...

Orange Peels Won’t Help Your Garden, Actually

There’s a lot of controversy around the role of citrus in the garden: Can it be composted? Will it deter pests? It turns out...

How Using Smart Tech at Home Can Lower Your Insurance Bills

Insurance costs are rising due to inflation just like the price of everything else, and people look to reduce those costs through savings programs...

Six Ways to Automate Your AirPods With Shortcuts

The introduction of Shortcuts in iOS 13 opened the door for a lot of new little iPhone tricks—but less attention has been given to...

Milo Action Communicator: Hassle-Free Comms Without Your Smartphone

A super-simple, hands-free action sports device that takes the hassle—and smartphone—out of on-the-go active chat.
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3 ways to protect your payment information with Google Pay

For Financial Literacy Month, we’re sharing a few ways Google Pay keeps your digital payment information safe.

LG MyView Smart Monitor (32SR85U-W) Review: A Fun 2-In-1 Screen

Having a smart TV built into a computer monitor was more convenient—and enjoyable—than I expected.

Brabus Launches ‘Deep Blue’ G-Wagon, Speedboat & Luxury Watch Line

Brabus is unifying its collaborations with Mercedes-AMG, Finland’s Axopar Boats, and Panerai luxury watches under one Deep Blue collection.Being that Brabus is...