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Arduino unleashes a serious Internet of Things system for hardware hackers

 Back in the old days hardware manufacturers felt safe in the knowledge that no mere hardware hacker could attempt to recreate their inventions. From...

Pressures within supply chains paved the way to an oversupply of prescription opioids, experts...

New research shows pressure from manufacturers and suppliers of opioids, particularly national corporations, influenced how pharmacies bought and distributed those prescriptions.

Big Banks’ Latest Plan to Kill the Climate Is Taking Over Failing Oil and...

Before the coronavirus, the American oil and gas industry was struggling to keep its profits up. The pandemic exacerbated that, and now it’s doing...

Teenage Engineering Just Released a $250 Toy Car

Teenage Engineering, the Swedish electronics firm, is known for its beautiful but pricey products—the bulk of which amount to functionalist art. Need a $1600...

A New Look at Avengers: Endgame Costumes Comes From an Unlikely Source 

Clark Gregg discusses the limited future of Agents of SHIELD. There are more rumors about a certain DC hero’s cameo in Shazam! The cast...

Staying safe online with our updated Google Password Manager

Strong, unique passwords are key to helping keep your personal information secure online. That's why Google Password Manager can help you create, remember and...

New bio-based tool quickly detects concerning coronavirus variants

Researchers have developed a bioelectric device that can detect and classify new variants of coronavirus to identify those that are most harmful. It has...

30 of the Greatest Movie Soundtracks Ever

Imagine Trainspotting without “Lust for Life.” Do the Right Thing without “Fight the Power.” Shaft without...”Shaft.” You can’t. The perfect song choice can make...

How Do I Hide My Neighbors’ Wifi Networks?

I talk a lot about wireless networking in this Tech 911 advice column. And this week is no exception. Just when I think we’ve...

Brabus Launches ‘Deep Blue’ G-Wagon, Speedboat & Luxury Watch Line

Brabus is unifying its collaborations with Mercedes-AMG, Finland’s Axopar Boats, and Panerai luxury watches under one Deep Blue collection. Being that Brabus is...