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Pathogen mapped: Evolution and potential treatments

A parasite which has devastating impacts on agriculture and human health is the first pathogen to have its proteins located and mapped within its...

Graphene grows — and we can see it

Graphene is the strongest of all materials. On top of that, it is exceptionally good at conducting heat and electrical currents, making it one...

Time of day matters when it comes to cancer diagnosis and treatment

Your circadian rhythm doesn't just govern your sleeping schedule; it can also impact cancer development, diagnosis, and treatment. Researchers discuss the role of circadian...

RNA vaccination in rabbit mothers confers benefits to offspring in the womb

Newly developed mRNA vaccines against Zika virus and HIV-1 produced strong antibody responses that transferred from pregnant rabbits to their offspring, researchers report. As...

More predictable renewable energy could lower costs

Lower electricity costs for consumers and more reliable clean energy could be some of the benefits of a new study by researchers who have...

Finding the sweet spot in sugar reductions

Putting less sugar in sodas and reducing the package size of sodas sold in supermarkets may help reduce our collective sugar intake and thus...

Dieting: Brain amplifies signal of hunger synapses

Many people who have dieted are familiar with the yo-yo effect: after the diet, the kilos are quickly put back on. Researchers have now...

Khan Academy Head Wants AI to Assist Kids Rather Than Do the Work for...

Sal Khan, the founder of the nonprofit education organization Khan Academy, said that in the early days of popular language model GPT-4’s development, the...

Underage Posters Get a Legal Bedtime as Utah Bans Social Media After 10:30 PM

Utah passed a pair of laws on Thursday laying out groundbreaking rules for children and social media. The laws require social media companies to...

These Are the Most Savage Ways to Start or End an Email

How do you begin your work emails? Do you go with a simple “Hey?” Or are you into formal greetings like “Good afternoon?” or...

Brabus Launches ‘Deep Blue’ G-Wagon, Speedboat & Luxury Watch Line

Brabus is unifying its collaborations with Mercedes-AMG, Finland’s Axopar Boats, and Panerai luxury watches under one Deep Blue collection.Being that Brabus is...