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Underlying mechanisms of 3d tissue formation

Scientists utilize simulations and laboratory experiments to find that cells sense the mechanical forces to form the primordial eye, the optic cup.

Anabolic steroids linked to higher rates of premature death in men

Men who use androgenic anabolic steroids -- such as testosterone -- may face a higher risk of early death and of experiencing more hospital...

Probiotics no help to young kids with stomach virus

A major US study has found that a commonly used probiotic is not effective in improving symptoms of diarrhea and vomiting in young children...

How Chile accomplished its renewable energy boom

Chile is currently undergoing a renewable energy boom. Today, it's the second largest market for renewable energies in Latin America, and in 2016 Chile...

Antioxidants may prevent cognitive impairment in diabetes

Cognitive difficulties in patients with diabetes, caused by repeated episodes of low blood sugar, could be reduced with antioxidants, according to a new study....

How do flying bees make perfect turns?

Bees adjust their speed to keep turning forces constant, new research shows. The findings can be applied to robots and autonomous vehicles.

Slowed brainwaves linked to early signs of brain cells going haywire due to dementia

To turn back the clock on Alzheimer's disease, many researchers are seeking ways to effectively diagnose the neurodegenerative disorder earlier. One potential way to...

Putting a face on a cell surface

With the help of machine learning, researchers have been able to thoroughly describe the repertoire proteins on the cell surface for the first time....

Environmental exposures early in life modify immune responses

The prevalence of allergic diseases has increased significantly over the last decades, creating substantial financial and societal burdens. Due to this, researchers are trying...

Evolution: South Africa’s hominin record is a fair-weather friend

The fossil record of early hominins in South Africa is biased towards periods of drier climate, suggests a study of cave deposits. This finding...

Brabus Launches ‘Deep Blue’ G-Wagon, Speedboat & Luxury Watch Line

Brabus is unifying its collaborations with Mercedes-AMG, Finland’s Axopar Boats, and Panerai luxury watches under one Deep Blue collection.Being that Brabus is...