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Jiggly Jell-O to make powerful new hydrogen fuel catalyst

A cheap and effective new catalyst can generate hydrogen fuel from water just as efficiently as platinum, currently the best -- but also most...

Wiring diagram of the brain provides a clearer picture of brain scan data

Neuroscientists have used data from the human brain connectome -- a publicly available 'wiring diagram' of the human brain based on data from thousands...

Treatment shown to improve the odds against bone marrow cancer

Hope has emerged for patients with a serious type of bone marrow cancer as new research into a therapeutic drug has revealed improved outcomes...

Mars InSight lander seen in first images from space

On Nov. 26, NASA's InSight mission knew the spacecraft touched down within an 81-mile-long (130-kilometer-long) landing ellipse on Mars. Now, the team has pinpointed...

Prostate cancer: New computer model enables researchers to predict course of disease

How does a normal cell turn into a deadly cancer? Seeking an answer to this Question researchers examined the tumor genomes of nearly 300...

Asian glaciers slowed by ice loss, NASA finds

Asia's high mountain glaciers are flowing more slowly in response to widespread ice loss, affecting freshwater availability downstream in India, Pakistan and China, a...

A role for microRNAs in social behavior

Researchers have uncovered a microRNA cluster that regulates synaptic strength and is involved in the control of social behavior in mammals. The researchers presume...

Fitness instructors’ comments shape women’s body satisfaction

A new study found that while exercise -- in this case, a 16-minute conditioning class -- generally improved women's mood and body satisfaction, women...

A young star caught forming like a planet

Astronomers have captured one of the most detailed views of a young star taken to date, and revealed an unexpected companion in orbit around...

Mass spectrometry sheds new light on thallium poisoning cold case

In 1994, Chinese university student Zhu Ling began experiencing stomach pain, hair loss and partial paralysis. By the time doctors diagnosed Ling with thallium...

Brabus Launches ‘Deep Blue’ G-Wagon, Speedboat & Luxury Watch Line

Brabus is unifying its collaborations with Mercedes-AMG, Finland’s Axopar Boats, and Panerai luxury watches under one Deep Blue collection.Being that Brabus is...