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Ring-shaped protein complex wrangles DNA

Scientists determine the whole structure of the condensin protein complex, which helps to organize DNA throughout the life cycle of a cell. By combining...

Additional inoculation source for lambic beer production

Researchers in Belgium have identified an additional inoculation source - the wooden casks or foeders - for producing lambic beers. Traditional lambic beer production...

Nature of immune cells in the human brain disclosed

Researchers have disclosed the nature of how T cells protect the brain against harmful viruses. The results of the study are important for investigating...

How one tough shrub could help fight hunger in Africa

The trick to boosting crops in drought-prone, food-insecure areas of West Africa could be a ubiquitous native shrub that persists in the toughest of...

Potential antidote to botulism

Researchers have identified a compound that strongly inhibits botulinum neurotoxin, the most toxic compound known. That inhibiting compound, nitrophenyl psoralen (NPP), could be used...

Lateral inhibition keeps similar memories apart

Our brains are able to store memories of very similar events as distinct memories. This, for example, allows you to find your car even...

Imaginary worlds of children reflect positive creativity

Children who create imaginary parallel worlds known as paracosms, alone or with friends, are more found more commonly than previously believed, according to a...

Unraveling a genetic network linked to autism

Researchers have uncovered a network of more than 200 genes linked to autism. They have also unpicked an exact sequence of events during microexon...

Ozone hole modest despite optimum conditions for ozone depletion

The ozone hole that forms in the upper atmosphere over Antarctica each September was slightly above average size in 2018, scientists reported today.

Researchers turn plastic bottle waste into ultralight supermaterial

Researchers has found a way to turn plastic bottle waste into ultralight polyethylene terephthalate (PET) aerogels that are suitable for various applications, including heat...

Brabus Launches ‘Deep Blue’ G-Wagon, Speedboat & Luxury Watch Line

Brabus is unifying its collaborations with Mercedes-AMG, Finland’s Axopar Boats, and Panerai luxury watches under one Deep Blue collection.Being that Brabus is...