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Mobile workers in north Ethiopia vulnerable to visceral leishmaniasis transmission

Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is a life-threatening disease transmitted by the bite of a sand fly. Between 3,700 to 7,400 people in Ethiopia are infected...

Bees on the brink

Using an innovative robotic platform to observe bees' behavior, researchers showed that, following exposure to neonicotinoid pesticides -- the most commonly-used class of pesticides...

Self-assembling protein filaments designed and built from scratch

For the first time, scientists have created, from scratch, self-assembling protein filaments built from identical protein subunits that snap together spontaneously to form long,...

Social media use increases depression and loneliness, study finds

Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram may not be great for personal well-being. The first experimental study examining use of multiple platforms shows a causal link...

Study tracks severe bleaching events on a Pacific coral reef over past century

A new study has uncovered the history of bleaching on a reef in the epicenter of El Nino, revealing how some corals have been...

Waking sleeping plants with plasmas

A critical concern for commercial farmers is to have good and synchronized tree growth. The problem in mild winter climates is that plants do...

Millions in danger of food insecurity due to severe Caribbean droughts

Climate change is impacting the Caribbean, with millions facing increasing food insecurity and decreasing freshwater availability as droughts become more likely across the region,...

Moving the motivation meter

Rats given the drug that reduced dopamine were much less likely to work for preferred morsels of food. But when these rats were then...

Tiny footprints, big discovery: Reptile tracks oldest ever found in Grand Canyon

Geologists have discovered that a set of 28 footprints left behind by a reptile-like creature 310 million years ago are the oldest ever to...

Giant leap toward personalized medicine helps eyes drain themselves

Researchers created a new smart drainage device to help patients with glaucoma, a leading cause of blindness in the world, as they try to...

Brabus Launches ‘Deep Blue’ G-Wagon, Speedboat & Luxury Watch Line

Brabus is unifying its collaborations with Mercedes-AMG, Finland’s Axopar Boats, and Panerai luxury watches under one Deep Blue collection.Being that Brabus is...