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Improving city parks may be one path to help make residents more active

Researchers found that small improvements to a city's ParkScore -- an evaluation of a city's park system -- could lead to more physical exercise...

Transmission of antibiotic resistant E. coli mapped in wild giraffe social networks

A team has shown that antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli bacteria in wild giraffes most likely come from anthropogenic sources, such as local cattle herds and...

A two-atom quantum duet

Researchers have achieved a major breakthrough in shielding the quantum properties of single atoms on a surface. The scientists used the magnetism of single...

Tiny structures’ construction, drip by drip

Researchers explore methods of using carefully controlled droplets as a way to make soft, biomimetic structures. The trick comes in controlling the droplets, which...

Graphene on the way to superconductivity

Scientists have found evidence that double layers of graphene have a property that may let them conduct current completely without resistance. They probed the...

Baby ‘boom’ and ‘bust’: Nations’ rates of childbirth vary significantly

Ninety-one nations are not producing enough children to maintain their current populations, while the opposite is true in 104 countries where high birth rates...

New flexible, transparent, wearable biopatch, improves cellular observation, drug delivery

Researchers have developed a new flexible and translucent base for silicon nanoneedle patches to deliver exact doses of biomolecules directly into cells and expand...

Eye contact reduces lying

A new study found that eye contact can make us act more honestly.

‘Tunability’ of a molecular chaperone

Scientists report that Hsp70s from mammalian cells behave quite differently from bacterial Hsp70s. Because of the important roles Hsp70s play in protein misfolding diseases...

Making wind farms more efficient

With energy demands rising, researchers have completed an algorithm -- or approach -- to design more efficient wind farms, helping to generate more revenue...

Brabus Launches ‘Deep Blue’ G-Wagon, Speedboat & Luxury Watch Line

Brabus is unifying its collaborations with Mercedes-AMG, Finland’s Axopar Boats, and Panerai luxury watches under one Deep Blue collection.Being that Brabus is...