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Could an anti-global warming atmospheric spraying program really work?

A program to reduce Earth's heat capture by injecting aerosols into the atmosphere from high-altitude aircraft is possible, but unreasonably costly with current technology,...

Poorest dying nearly 10 years younger than the rich in ‘deeply worrying’ trend for...

The gap between the life expectancy of the richest and poorest sectors of society in England is increasing, according to new research.

Over half of former ICU patients in the UK report symptoms of psychological disorders

Patients in the UK who have survived critical illnesses requiring care in an intensive care unit (ICU) frequently report symptoms of anxiety, PTSD and/or...

ISS microbes should be monitored to avoid threat to astronaut health

Strains of the bacterium Enterobacter, similar to newly found opportunistic infectious organisms seen in a few hospital settings, have been identified on the International...

35 kidney genes linked to chronic kidney disease risk

Scientists have discovered the identity of genes that predispose people to chronic kidney disease. The discovery is a major advance in understanding of the...

Breast cancers enhance their growth by recruiting cells from bone marrow

Researchers have discovered that breast tumors can boost their growth by recruiting stromal cells originally formed in the bone marrow. The study reveals that...

Engineers fly first-ever plane with no moving parts

Engineers have built and flown the first-ever plane with no moving parts. Instead of propellers or turbines, the light aircraft is powered by an...

Gigantic mammal ‘cousin’ discovered

During the Triassic period (252-201 million years ago) mammal-like reptiles called therapsids co-existed with ancestors to dinosaurs, crocodiles, mammals, pterosaurs, turtles, frogs, and lizards....

Musical training improves visual timing

Drummers and brass players are better able to judge the timing of visual stimuli than members of the color guard, according to a naturalistic...

How hantaviruses infect lung cells

Hantaviruses cause severe and sometimes fatal respiratory infections, but how they infect lung cells has been a mystery. Researchers report that hantaviruses gain entry...

Brabus Launches ‘Deep Blue’ G-Wagon, Speedboat & Luxury Watch Line

Brabus is unifying its collaborations with Mercedes-AMG, Finland’s Axopar Boats, and Panerai luxury watches under one Deep Blue collection.Being that Brabus is...