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Astrophysicists measure precise rotation pattern of sun-like stars for the first time

Scientists have measured the differential rotation on Sun-like stars for the first time, and their findings challenge current science on how stars rotate.

Gut fungus exacerbates asthma in antibiotic-treated mice

A non-pathogenic fungus can expand in the intestines of antibiotic-treated mice and enhance the severity of allergic airways disease, according to a new study....

What makes a mammal a mammal? Our spine, say scientists

Mammals are unique in many ways. We're warm-blooded and agile in comparison with our reptilian relatives.

Full, but still feasting: Mouse study reveals how urge to eat overpowers a signal...

A new study explores the mystery of what drives eating past the point of fullness, at the most basic level in the brain. It...

Why do people share? It’s contagious, six-year study of Hadza people shows

In the modern world, people cooperate with other people including strangers all the time. We give blood, tip providers of various services, and donate...

A behavioral intervention for cancer patients that works

This is a story about something rare in health psychology: a treatment that has gone from scientific discovery, through development and testing, to dissemination...

Genomic dark matter activity connects Parkinson’s and psychiatric diseases

Using a new technique known as laser-capture RNA seq, that involves cutting out dopamine neurons from a human brain section with a laser, investigators...

How lactoferrin clamps down on free roaming iron ions to stop nefarious effects on...

What prevents our cells being damaged due to overexposure to iron ions is a protein called lactoferrin, known for its ability to bind tightly...

A one-way street for salt

Barely heard of a couple of years ago, quinoa today is common on European supermarket shelves. The hardy plant thrives even in saline soils....

Study documents poor mental and physical health in rural borderland community members

A new study offers vivid picture of health consequences of life events and chronic strain among foreign-born Mexicans in farm working communities.

Brabus Launches ‘Deep Blue’ G-Wagon, Speedboat & Luxury Watch Line

Brabus is unifying its collaborations with Mercedes-AMG, Finland’s Axopar Boats, and Panerai luxury watches under one Deep Blue collection.Being that Brabus is...