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Scientists developing new blood test to screen for secondary heart attack

Scientists are developing a blood test that quickly and easily detects whether a person is at risk of a secondary heart attack. The researchers...

Evolution of psychiatric disorders and human personality traits

How and why human-unique characteristics such as highly social behavior, languages and complex culture have evolved is a long-standing question. A research team has...

Protocell guests flee the nest

Researchers have shown that resident artificial cells abandon their protocell hosts by displaying antagonistic behavior on receiving a chemical signal.

Shared lifetime of grandmothers and grandchildren significantly increased since 1800s

The importance of grandmothers in the lives of their grandchildren has changed. The shared lifetime between grandmothers and their grandchildren has a fundamental effect...

Bravery cells found in the hippocampus

Why do some people comfortably walk between skyscrapers on a high-wire or raft the Niagara Falls in a wooden barrel whereas others freeze on...

This is how the brain forgets on purpose

Researchers have analysed what happens in the brain when humans want to voluntarily forget something. They identified two areas of the brain -- the...

Smiling doesn’t necessarily mean you’re happy

Smiling does not necessarily indicate that we are happy, according to new research.

Single molecule control for a millionth of a billionth of a second

Physicists have discovered how to manipulate and control individual molecules for a millionth of a billionth of a second, after being intrigued by some...

Bioadhesive, wirelessly-powered implant emitting light to kill cancer cells

A new wirelessly-powered light-emitting device, which sticks onto animal tissue like a sticker with tissue-adhesive and elastic nanosheets, could possibly facilitate treatment for hard-to-detect...

Evaluation of fitness for transport of cull cows varies

In a test to see how farmers, livestock drivers and veterinarians assess the fitness for transport of cull cows based on lameness there were...

Brabus Launches ‘Deep Blue’ G-Wagon, Speedboat & Luxury Watch Line

Brabus is unifying its collaborations with Mercedes-AMG, Finland’s Axopar Boats, and Panerai luxury watches under one Deep Blue collection.Being that Brabus is...