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Curiosity rover surveys a mystery under dusty Martian skies

NASA's Curiosity rover recently surveyed its surroundings on Mars, producing a 360-degree panorama of its current location on Vera Rubin Ridge.

Night-time habits of captive flamingos

What do captive flamingos do at night, when their zoo or wildlife park is closed?

Harnessing the power of the crowd could improve screening accuracy

Averaging the results from two independent participants improved screening accuracy, whether participants were looking at baggage scans or mammograms, according to new research.

Proactive approach to defending computer systems

Researchers have taken a step toward the development of moving target defense techniques in software-defined networks. This is a demanding cybersecurity research topic, scientists...

Effective TB, HIV, malaria vaccines missing from pipeline

Many of the vaccines critically needed to fight the world's most prevalent infectious diseases are not likely to be developed. A financial modeling study...

Holography, light-field technology combo could deliver practical 3-D displays

Researchers have begun to explore a combination of holography and light field technologies as a way to reduce the size and cost of more...

Superbugs jumping frequently between humans and animals

In a recent study, researchers found that cows are a source of resistant staphylococcus strains causing infections in humans today.

Dangerous blood pressure spikes among blacks happen five times more often than average

Blacks with high blood pressure experience hypertensive crisis, a life-threatening condition where blood pressure surges severely and quickly, at a rate five times the...

New blood pressure app

Researchers have invented a proof-of-concept blood pressure app that can give accurate readings using an iPhone -- with no special equipment.

A study of ants provides information on the evolution of social insects

One of the great puzzles of evolutional biology is what induced certain living creatures to abandon solitary existence in favor of living in collaborative...

Brabus Launches ‘Deep Blue’ G-Wagon, Speedboat & Luxury Watch Line

Brabus is unifying its collaborations with Mercedes-AMG, Finland’s Axopar Boats, and Panerai luxury watches under one Deep Blue collection.Being that Brabus is...