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Heart: Changes in mitochondrial DNA control how nuclear DNA mutations are expressed in cardiomyopathy

Differences in the DNA within the mitochondria, the energy-producing structures within cells, can determine the severity and progression of heart disease caused by a...

It pays to be nice to your employees

New research finds that showing compassion to subordinates almost always pays off, especially when combined with the enforcement of clear goals and benchmarks.

Regrowing dental tissue with stem cells from baby teeth

In a clinical trial stem cells extracted from children's baby teeth were used to regrow the living tissue in teeth damaged by injury. The...

Engineers protect artifacts by graphene gilding

Gilding is the process of coating intricate artifacts with precious metals. Ancient Egyptians and Chinese coated their sculptures with thin metal films using gilding....

Separating the sound from the noise in hot plasma fusion

For fusion power plants to be effective, scientists must find a way to trigger the low-to-high confinement transition, associated with zonal flows of plasma....

‘Evil’ proteins a force for good in estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer

Researchers have clarified questions surrounding estrogen's role in breast cancer, which could lead to more precise treatments for ER-positive breast cancers.

Fighting the cold virus and other threats, body makes trade-off, says study

A research team has revealed how cells in different parts of the human airway vary in their response to the common cold virus. Their...

Natural mechanism could lower emissions from tropical peatlands

Scientists have long feared that as Earth warms, tropical peatlands -- which store up to 10 percent of the planet's soil carbon -- could...

‘Cloud computing’ takes on new meaning for scientists

Clouds may be wispy puffs of water vapor drifting through the sky, but they're heavy lifting computationally for scientists wanting to factor them into...

Overlapping copy number variations underlie autism and schizophrenia in Japanese patients

Common genetic variants may underlie autism spectrum disorder and schizophrenia across human populations, according to a new study. In line with previous studies in...

Brabus Launches ‘Deep Blue’ G-Wagon, Speedboat & Luxury Watch Line

Brabus is unifying its collaborations with Mercedes-AMG, Finland’s Axopar Boats, and Panerai luxury watches under one Deep Blue collection.Being that Brabus is...