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It pays to be nice to your employees

New research finds that showing compassion to subordinates almost always pays off, especially when combined with the enforcement of clear goals and benchmarks.

Regrowing dental tissue with stem cells from baby teeth

In a clinical trial stem cells extracted from children's baby teeth were used to regrow the living tissue in teeth damaged by injury. The...

Engineers protect artifacts by graphene gilding

Gilding is the process of coating intricate artifacts with precious metals. Ancient Egyptians and Chinese coated their sculptures with thin metal films using gilding....

Study links BAP1 protein to tumor suppression in kidney, eye, bile duct and mesothelioma...

Researchers have shown how BRCA-associated protein 1 (BAP1) serves as a tumor suppressor gene in kidney, eye, bile duct, mesothelioma and other cancers by...

First interactive model of human cell division

Mitosis -- how one cell divides and becomes two -- is one of the fundamental processes of life. Researchers have now produced an interactive...

Novel nano material for quantum electronics

An international team has synthesized a novel nano material with electrical and magnetic properties making it suitable for future quantum computers and other applications...

Three new species of fish discovered in the extreme depths of the Pacific Ocean

An exploration to one of the deepest places on earth has captured rare footage of what is believed to be three new species of...

Decoupling stress and corrosion to predict metal failure

The research challenges the traditional viewpoint that the simultaneous presence of stress and a corrosive environment is a requirement for SCC and demonstrates that...

Can you evolve while being robust?

Biophysical constraints on evolvability and robustness have been uncovered.

The universality of shame

An implicit mental map of how negatively others will perceive them sets the level of shame people feel about a potential action.

Brabus Launches ‘Deep Blue’ G-Wagon, Speedboat & Luxury Watch Line

Brabus is unifying its collaborations with Mercedes-AMG, Finland’s Axopar Boats, and Panerai luxury watches under one Deep Blue collection.Being that Brabus is...