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The case of the missing black holes

Researchers have applied the well-understood and highly verified quantum field theory, usually applied to the study of the very small, to a new target,...

Graphene gets cleaned up

Engineers establish the link between oxygen and graphene quality and present an oxygen-free chemical vapor deposition method (OF-CVD) that can reproducibly create high-quality samples...

Grow the skin you’re in: In vivo generation of chimeric skin grafts

Researchers found that mutated mouse embryos showing an abnormal epidermal differentiation and injected with mouse pluripotent stem cells grew large patches of mature epidermis...

Editing without ‘cutting’: Molecular mechanisms of new gene-editing tool revealed

New research has determined the spatial structure of various processes of a novel gene-editing tool called 'prime editor.' Functional analysis based on these structures...

Modular, scalable hardware architecture for a quantum computer

Researchers demonstrated a scalable, modular hardware platform that integrates thousands of interconnected qubits onto a customized integrated circuit. This 'quantum-system-on-chip' (QSoC) architecture enables them...

Acute sense of touch helps hummingbirds hover near a flower without bumping into it

Hummingbird flight mechanics have been well studied but far less is known about how their sense of touch helps them sip nectar from a...

Chicken feathers to deliver chemotherapy drugs and repair enzymes

A new method of drug delivery using proline, an amino acid found in chicken feathers and skin tissue, could be used to limit the...

Complete X and Y chromosome sequences of living great ape species determined

Newly generated, complete genomes for the sex chromosomes of six primate species may inform conservation of these endangered species and shed light on sex-related...

New antibiotic kills pathogenic bacteria, spares healthy gut microbes

Researchers have developed a new antibiotic that reduced or eliminated drug-resistant bacterial infections in mouse models of acute pneumonia and sepsis while sparing healthy...

Moon orbiting ‘dinky’ asteroid is actually two tiny moons stuck together

The moon orbiting the asteroid Dinkinesh is actually two tiny moons stuck together. Collectively called 'Selam,' the two moonlets bring new insight into the...

Brabus Launches ‘Deep Blue’ G-Wagon, Speedboat & Luxury Watch Line

Brabus is unifying its collaborations with Mercedes-AMG, Finland’s Axopar Boats, and Panerai luxury watches under one Deep Blue collection.Being that Brabus is...