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Emergence of solvated dielectrons observed for the first time

Scientists generate low-energy electrons using ultraviolet light.

Protein-based nano-‘computer’ evolves in ability to influence cell behavior

The first protein-based nano-computing agent that functions as a circuit has been created. The milestone puts them one step closer to developing next-generation cell-based...

Nanorobotic system presents new options for targeting fungal infections

Researchers have developed a nanorobot system that targets fungal infections in the mouth.

Researchers show that IgA fine tunes the body’s interactions with microbes

A new study has demonstrated that IgA acts as a 'tuner' that regulates the number of microbes the body sees every day, restraining the...

Effective as a collective: Researchers investigate the swarming behavior of microrobots

Miniaturization is progressing rapidly in just any field and the trend towards the creation of ever smaller units is also prevalent in the world...

‘A blessing in disguise!’ Physics turning bad into good

Light is a very delicate and vulnerable property. Light can be absorbed or reflected at the surface of a material depending on the matter's...

Early toilets reveal dysentery in Old Testament Jerusalem

Study of 2,500-year-old latrines from the biblical Kingdom of Judah shows the ancient faeces within contain Giardia -- a parasite that can cause dysentery.

Plants remove cancer causing toxins from air

A ground-breaking study has revealed that plants can efficiently remove toxic gasoline fumes, including cancer causing compounds such as benzene, from indoor air.

Hydrogen battery: Storing hydrogen in coal may help power clean energy economy

The quest to develop hydrogen as a clean energy source that could curb our dependence on fossil fuels may lead to an unexpected place...

Development of iron complex catalyst for selective and efficient conversion of methane to methanol

A new iron complex has been developed as a catalyst for the oxidation of methane to selectively convert it to methanol. This complex can...

Brabus Launches ‘Deep Blue’ G-Wagon, Speedboat & Luxury Watch Line

Brabus is unifying its collaborations with Mercedes-AMG, Finland’s Axopar Boats, and Panerai luxury watches under one Deep Blue collection.Being that Brabus is...