Home World Music Everybody Be Cool Because Lorde Is Teasing Her Return For Next Year

Everybody Be Cool Because Lorde Is Teasing Her Return For Next Year


It’s been over three years since we last had new music from Lorde, but now the superstar is finally teasing her return to music at some point in 2021.

In a series of Instagram stories, Lorde – real name Ella Yelich-O’Connor – basically said she’d give fans her new music if her NZ listeners turn out to vote. Talk about leverage.

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“We know we live in a special place,” she wrote, “And adding all of our voices to the conversation, speaking for communities or organisations that mean something to us — that’s what helps keep it that way.”

She posted a series of information for voters in her home country, including that there’s two key referendums involved – the End Of Life Choice Bill and the Cannabis Legalisation And Control Bill.

“This was honestly incredible [sic] difficult to format and I hope you can repay me with the humble act of VOTING,” she wrote.

“Do it for our beautiful country and for me. And next year I’ll give you something in return.”

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That “something” has fans in a frenzy, believing that Lorde will finally be following up her 2017 masterpiece Melodrama in 2021.

Lorde was last in Australia in 2018, marking one of the headliners for that year’s Splendour In The Grass alongside Vampire Weekend and Kendrick Lamar.

See Lorde’s full series of stories, via Pop Crave, below.

The post Everybody Be Cool Because Lorde Is Teasing Her Return For Next Year appeared first on Music Feeds.

Source: musicfeeds.com.au