Home Jambase Bill Callahan, Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy & Cassie Berman Cover Silver Jews’ The...

Bill Callahan, Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy & Cassie Berman Cover Silver Jews’ The Wild Kindness’


Bill Callahan and Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy shared a cover of the Silver Jews’ song “The Wild Kindness,” which was written by the group’s late frontman David Berman. The recording features the Silver Jews bassist and Berman’s widow, Cassie Berman.

Also contributing to the track were guitarist David Pajo, Lambchop keyboardist Tony Crow and Silver Jews drummer Brian Kotzur. Several others were part of a choir of backing vocalists “swimming in a river of voices” including Pajo, Meg Baird, Bill MacKay, Cory Hanson, Cassie, David Grubbs, Matt Kinsey, Haley Fohr, Emmett Kelly, Todd Rittmann, Alasdair Roberts, Matt Sweeney, George Xylouris, Azita Youssefi, Sean O’Hagan, Ben Chasny and Elisa Ambrogio.

“The Wild Kindness” originally appeared as the final track on the 1998 Silver Jews album, American Water. David Berman was 52 when he died by suicide in August 2019.

The new recording of “The Wild Kindness” was issued by Drag City and is accompanied by cover art created by Friedrich Kunath and “first displayed at Soccer Club Club in December 2019.” Watch the video for “The Wild Kindness” below:

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Source: JamBase.com