Home Valley Advocate VA45-pickART-2016




This Disappearing World


Photographer Sarah Holbrook has spent years up and down every coastline she can find, hopping hemisphere and trolling the poles in search of ice. Often, she has chased it down to places where, just a few years from now, it may be gone forever. Armed with cameras, Holbrook has traveled to Greenland, Iceland, Svalbard, the Arctic Ice Cap, and Antarctica, snapping landscapes of icebergs, glaciers, and sea. The results are beautifully lit and often surprisingly colorful — a long-distance testament to the sublime power of natural forces in some of Earth’s most uninhabited expanses. Inspired and humbled in equal measure, Holbrook — who lives in Ashfield — is exhibiting these stark glimpses of faraway in Shelburne Falls in the form of large prints, which are detailed enough for the viewer to see waterlines, cracks, and the places where, underneath ice, rivers still flow.


Sarah Holbrook — The Liquid Edge: Through Dec. 31. Free. Salmon Falls Gallery, 1 Ashfield St., Shelburne Falls. (413) 625-9833, salmonfallsgallery.com.

— Hunter Styles