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Turkish president calls for boycott on French goods to stop Macron’s ‘campaign of hate’ against Muslims


Turkish president calls for boycott on French goods to stop Macron’s 'campaign of hate' against MuslimsTurkey’s president has called for a boycott of French goods as his stand-off with counterpart Emmanuel Macron over Islam and free speech escalated sharply. Recep Tayyip Erdogan accused the French president of leading a hate campaign against Muslims and accused unnamed Western leaders of being fascists for championing Islamophobia. “You are in a real sense fascists, you are in a real sense the links in the chain of Nazism,” he said. “Muslims are now subjected to a lynch campaign similar to that against Jews in Europe before World War II.” The spat comes after years of strained relations between Paris and Ankara and follow Mr Erdogan’s earlier jibes that Mr Macron had a problem with Muslims and needed checks on his mental health.

Source: yahoo.com/news