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Movement, evolutionary history of tuberculosis in China

A genetic scan of a massive number of samples taken from tuberculosis patients across China has shown a surprising genetic uniformity: just two 'strains'...

Potential path for countering oxidative stress in a range of diseases

Scientists have made a surprising discovery in their mission to understand how cells stay healthy, uncovering an important connection between a cell's sugar metabolism...

New drug targets in aggressive cancers

Scientists have discovered a previously unknown molecular vulnerability in two rare, aggressive, and hard-to-treat types of cancer, and say it may be possible to...

Dam problems, win-win solutions

Decisions about whether to build, remove or modify dams involve complex trade-offs that are often accompanied by social and political conflict. A group of...

Hydropower, innovations and avoiding international dam shame

For sweeping drama, it's hard to beat hydropower from dams -- a renewable source of electricity that helped build much of the developed world....

Turning marginal farmlands into a win for farmers and ecosystems

Many farms have areas where the ground either floods or does not retain enough water or fertilizer for crops to thrive. Such marginal lands...

Changing temperatures are helping corn production in US — for now

Increased production of corn in the United States has largely been credited to advances in farming technology but new research shows that changing temperatures...

Elusive star has origins close to Big Bang

Astronomers have found what could be one of the universe's oldest stars, made almost entirely of materials spewed from the Big Bang.

Oldest evidence of dairying on the East Asian Steppe

Although dairy pastoralism once made Mongolian steppe herders successful enough to conquer most of Asia and Europe, the origins of this way of life...

Coping with errors in the quantum age

Quantum systems can be manipulated with extremely high, but not with perfect precision. Researchers have now demonstrated how errors that occur during such operations...

Brabus Launches ‘Deep Blue’ G-Wagon, Speedboat & Luxury Watch Line

Brabus is unifying its collaborations with Mercedes-AMG, Finland’s Axopar Boats, and Panerai luxury watches under one Deep Blue collection.Being that Brabus is...